What are the Most Common Signs of Premature Aging?

There’s no way around it–the body begins to operate differently as humans get older.  Cells take longer to heal, and muscles need more time to recharge.  The makeup of your skin changes, too, and often it happens sooner than we’d like.  While there’s no way to stop our bodies from aging, there are ways we can give it a boost to counteract signs of premature aging.

Common Signs of Premature Aging:

  1. Sunspots.  Eventually, those years spent basking in the sun will catch up with you as age spots (or liver spots) begin to appear.  These spots are areas of hyperpigmentation commonly found on the face, backs of hands, and forearms.  Sunspots typically appear after age 40.
  2. Wrinkled hands.  As you age, collagen levels in your skin decrease.  This causes the top layers of skin to become thinner and can leave your hands looking veiny, delicate, and prone to wrinkles.
  3. Chest hyperpigmentation.  The chest is another area where hyperpigmentation or inflammation will begin to appear.  Similar to sunspots, this hyperpigmentation is also the result of decades of exposure to the sun.
  4. Dry skin.  As you age, it is easier for you to become dehydrated.  Your skin reacts to dehydration quickly, becoming dry and itchy.  If you notice consistent patches of itchy skin on your body, try drinking a few extra glasses of water each day and monitor for changes over the next week or two.
  5. Facial wrinkles and sagging skin.  Wrinkles and sagging skin most frequently appear around frequently used muscles (laugh lines and forehead wrinkles, for example) or in areas that receive frequent exposure to UV rays.  Several components can be responsible for wrinkles and sagging skin, such as decreased collagen production, dehydration, or even dirt.
  6. Hair loss.  Stem cells in your scalp trigger new hair growth, but these stem cells die off as you age.  Hair loss impacts most people eventually, but the age at which it begins is often determined by hormone changes, environmental factors, genetics, and diet.

What can you do to curb the effects of premature aging?

There are many things you can do to curb the effects of premature aging.  Eating a healthy diet, getting sufficient sleep, using good self-care techniques such as yoga or meditation, drinking plenty of water, avoiding excessive alcohol, and not smoking will help keep your body feeling and looking its best.

Supplemental formulations provide critical assistance your skin needs to stay supple and smooth.  At Organic Elements Spa, we offer several products that also enhance your body’s processes and reduce the visible effects of aging.  Our Eminence Citrus and Kale Potent C+E Serum helps prevent and even reverse visible signs of aging, including dark spots, uneven skin tone, and fine lines and wrinkles.  Many clients experience a 47% reduction in the appearance of free radical damage in just 3 hours (as evaluated by the reduction in ultraviolet (UV) induced ROS in human ex vivo skin after a 3-hour application.)  See the serum work right in front of your eyes in this video:

YouTube video

You’ll find Citrus and Kale Potent C+E Serum and all of our other Eminence Organic Products available in our online spa boutique.  Shop from the comfort of your home while you make your appointment for your next spa appointment with us.  Our Organic Elements Spa team would love to see you again soon!