Colored skin acne anatomy composition with types of acne pimples before and after

The Different Types of Acne: What Type of Bumps and Blemishes are Affecting your Skin

Acne is an unfortunate skin blemish that can occur at any age and to people with all types of skin. No matter if you have one blemish or a large cluster of recurring acne spots, your goal is likely to get rid of these bumps in a healthy way as quickly as possible. Many people are unaware that they are several very different kinds of acne. Each type can have varying underlying causes as well as varying characteristics. Understand what type of acne you are dealing with can help you to work closely with your esthetician to create a tailored treatment plan.

The Most Common Acne Types

Colored skin acne anatomy composition with types of acne pimples before and after Whiteheads
Whiteheads are small white or flesh-colored bumps that are typically slightly raised from the skin’s surface. They are often surrounded by a thin red circle, making them quite noticeable. These are professionally called closed comedones, meaning that the skin’s follicles are clogged with sebum and covered by a thin layer of skin that creates the white color. This is a non-inflammatory type of acne.

Blackheads indicate open pores that are clogged with sebum. Unlike whiteheads, the comedo is open which leads to the black coloring. Many people believe that the dark color indicates trapped dirty. However, they are simply whiteheads that have opened up and contain no layer of skin over the affected comedone. Blackheads are typically not raised or raised only slightly. Both blackheads and whiteheads are remedied with exfoliation to break up the clogged pores and products with oil-reducing ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. This is a non-inflammatory type of acne.

These are what we commonly call pimples. These tender, raised bumps are caused when sebum and bacterial cells collect and lead to the formation of whitish or yellowish pus. They vary in size but are usually larger than blackheads or whiteheads.

Papules are bumps that develop under the surface of the skin when blackheads or whiteheads become irritated and lead to raised inflammation. Papules are pink in color, raised, solid-feeling, and are defined by swollen and red skin around the bump.

Nodules are a more severe form of acne. They present as hard, inflamed lumps embedded underneath the skin with no visible acne head. They can often be painful and lead to scarring or skin damage if not treated properly.

Cysts are the largest, most severe form of acne. They are deep, often painful bumps beneath the skin that and feel like lumps resting beneath the skin. Cysts should be treated with the utmost care as they are the most likely to cause scarring.

Take Action to Get Rid of All Types of Acne

Unfortunately, there is often no quick fix for many types of acne. Working with a professional esthetician to create a tailored treatment plan for your specific skin type and acne concerns is the most effective way to treat the acne you have and prevent future blemishes. Take the first step in getting rid of unwanted acne by giving us a call today to book your spa appointment with a professional esthetician.